The student will:
Run throughout the area.
On signal, stop and perform a designated stretching activity.
A list of stretches that covers all body parts can be posted, and students can perform a different stretch after each signal.
Review all the basic beginner movements from Day 1.
Add the following movements:
Double straight leg
Lie on back with hands behind head and legs pointed toward the ceiling while held tight together.
Lift the chin and shoulders slightly off the mat and lift the legs about one foot. Keep the lower back tight to the floor.
Lower chin, shoulders, and legs.
Forward spine stretch and roll-ups
Sitting position with legs and arms extended forward. Stretch forward and exhale.
Add the roll-up by slowly going backward to the mat with the arms extended forward.
Pelvic Tilt
Lie on back with the arms extended, palms down, and knees bent.
Lift the pelvic girdle upwards using the abdominal and gluteal muscles.
Back Strengthener
All-fours position. Lift and extend the opposite arm and leg and hold the position several seconds and then switch arms and legs.
Total rest pose
All-fours position.
Push the hips to heels, stomach to thighs, head down on floor. Slowly extend arms forward with palms down and flat on the floor.
Repeat 5–6 times.
Repeat 5–6 times
Gently roll down to the floor and back up to the extended position.
Take 4 counts to lift the pelvis, hold for 4 counts.
Repeat several times.
Repeat several times.
Hold for a 4–6 counts.
Sit up onto knees then repeat.
Hoops are spread over the floor space with each student standing inside a hoop. The locomotor movement can be changed each round.
This activity is like musical chairs. Hoops are spread over the floor space with each student putting one foot or two feet in a hoop (depending on how many hoops are available). Play music with random pauses. The teacher collects some of the hoops during the music so that some students will be eliminated when the music stops.
Play music with random pauses. Collect some of the hoops during the music so that some students will be eliminated when the music stops. The eliminated students go to the perimeter and perform a designated stretch or some type of exercise until the music stops and then get back in the game.
Were there any activities that were particularly challenging today? Which ones? Why?
In what way do Pilate’s movements make you feel good?
What is the history of the Pilates exercise machine?
What was fun about musical hoops?
Cheer: Pilates makes me strong. Yeah!
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