The student will:
Place two cones about 5 yards (m) apart. A student stands in the middle and shuffles quickly back and forth between
n the cones, touching the cone each time. Students try to make as many touches as possible in 15 seconds. Set up enough pairs of cones so that all students can participate simultaneously.
“See how many times you can touch the cones.”
Stay low to the ground by bending your knees.
Arm Curl-Ups
The exerciser keeps the upper arms against the sides of the body, bends the elbows, and turns the palms up. The partner puts fists in the exerciser’s palms. The exerciser then attempts to curl the forearms upward to the shoulders. To develop the opposite set of muscles, the exerciser pushes down in the opposite direction, starting with the palms at shoulder level.
Forearm Flex
The exerciser places the hands, palms down, on the partner’s shoulders. The exerciser attempts to push the partner into the floor.
The exerciser holds the arms up at a 90-degree angle at shoulder height. The exerciser then pushes the arms together in front of the body, like the motion on a pec-deck machine.
The exerciser holds the arms straight, forming a right angle with the side of the body. The partner attempts to hold the arms down, while the exerciser lifts with straight arms to the sides. The exerciser can try the activity by starting with the arms above the head and then moving them down to the sides against partner’s effort to hold them up.
Back Builder
The exerciser spreads the legs and bends forward at the waist with the head up. The partner faces the exerciser and clasps the hands together behind the exerciser’s neck. The exerciser then attempts to stand upright, while the partner pulls downward.
The exerciser lies on one side, while the partner straddles him or her and holds the upper leg down. The exerciser attempts to raise the top leg. The exercise is reversed and performed with the other leg.
Knee Bender
The exerciser lies in prone position with legs straight and arms ahead on the floor. The partner places the hands on the back of exerciser’s ankle. The exerciser attempts to flex the knee, while the partner applies pressure. Reverse legs. The exerciser can try this exercise in the opposite direction with the knee joint at a 90-degree angle.
Resistance Push-Up
The exerciser is in push-up position with arms bent so that the body is halfway up from the floor. The partner straddles or stands alongside the exerciser’s head and puts pressure on the top of the shoulders by pushing down. The partner must judge the amount of pressure to apply to prevent the exerciser from collapsing.
Tape alternating segments of silence and music to signal duration of exercise. Music segments indicate aerobic activity (25 seconds) while intervals of silence announce partner resistance exercises (45 seconds).
Take 6-10 seconds to complete a resistance exercise.
A sign with aerobic activities on one side and partner resistance exercises on the other help students remember the activities. The signs can be held upright by cones and shared by 2-4 students.
Students find a partner and lead each other in aerobic activities. Partners switch leader and follower roles after each partner resistance exercise. This routine assumes that students have previous aerobic fitness experience. If not, the aerobic activities will have to be led by the teacher.
Grip, Stance, Ready Position
Shake hands with racquet.
Weight on balls of feet, knees bent.
Racquet gripped with dominant hand neck.
Racquet cradled with non-dominant hand.
The Volley (no bounce) Drill
Stand next to the net and volley the tennis ball over the net to partner without letting the ball bounce.
The Volley (with bounce)
Same drill, except with one bounce in the serving court, while standing near the serving court line.
Explain the grip and pick one or two of the key points to practice.
Place four people on a court; if not enough courts, then 6 students to a court.
Ready position, knees bent, wrists ready to rotate, and eyes on the ball.
Students jog around randomly, when signal is given, they will quickly get with someone back-to-back. The one left out will call the next activity, such as skipping, hopping, jogging, galloping.
Scattered formation.
What is different between a Volley and forehand drive shots?
What muscles did you use in Partner Resistance Exercises today?
Cheer: 2, 4, 6, 8 Volleying is really great!
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