The student will:
When signal is given student will begin moving in one direction. At each cone will be a sign listing movement to perform to next cone. For example: 1 – Skipping; 2 – Running; 3 – Galloping; 4 – Side shuffle
Put more than one movement on a sign. Students the first movement when they first pass the sign, then the second, etc.
Change directions so students use both sides of their body equally.
Relax and stretch for a short time.
Make a tape with music segments (25 seconds) alternated with silence segments (30 seconds). When the music is playing, students jump rope; when silence occurs, students do a flexibility and strength development exercise.
Exercises can be done in two-count fashion. Exercises are done when the leader says “Ready.” The class answers “One-two” and performs a repetition.
Allow students to adjust the workload to their level. This implies resting if the rope jumping is too strenuous.
Forehand and Backhand Practice
Toss and Hit Forehands and Backhands with a Partner. One partner tosses the ball to the forehand or backhand side. After each stroke return to ready position. Change roles after 6 tosses.
Toss and Hit One Step.
One partner tosses the ball to either the forehand or backhand side. With each successful return, the player takes one step away from the tosser. The goal is to continue to return the ball accurately to the tosser. Change roles after 6 tosses.
Forehand drive practice. Partner receives 4 tossed balls and they change roles.
Emphasize having quick feet so the return to the ready position is done quickly.
When tossing feeds to a partner, emphasize the need for doing it in a manner that makes it easy to hit. Talk about “friendly feeds.”
The chickens need to stay away from the foxes.
Chickens approach den asking, “What time is it?” The fox may answer any clock time. When she answers “midnight” the chickens are chased.
Select several “foxes” and “mark” them with pennies. The rest of the classes are “chickens.”
At the signal the chickens run for safety. The chickens are safe when they reach a specified area or goal line at the opposite end of the play area. Anyone caught is taken to the den and then assists in helping the fox.
What form of training is Continuity Exercises?
What element of biomechanics did you learn about today?
Cheer: 2, 4, 6, 8 Rallying is fun!
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