The student will:
The class runs, stops on signal and pivots. Vary the activity by pivoting on the left foot or the right foot, increasing the circumference, and performing pivots in quick succession. Teach both the stride stop (one foot in front of the other) and the jump stop (with both feet parallel to each other) prior to the pivot.
Scatter formation
Emphasize bending the knees and lowering the center of gravity. Continue running after the pivot.
Use music intervals to signal the stop and pivot. When the music stops, students stop and pivot.
Ideas for Fitness Hunt Cards:
1. Run to each corner of the Gym and perform 15 curl-ups at each corner.
2. Run to the bleachers and perform step-ups.
3. Carioca to cones set up and touch each cone.
4. Jog to the tumbling mats and perform stretches listed on the station cards.
5. Jog to the jump rope station and jump to the rhythm of the music until it stops.
6. Jog backwards to touch 2 walls.
7. Jog forwards and touch 4 colored lines on the courts.
8. Skip to the sit-up, push-up station. Follow station card instructions.
9. Slide to the jumping jack station.
10. Skip to the jump rope station.
Use Whistle Mixer to create groups of 5.
Direct students to work as a team to “hunt” for the exercise space/area.
Assign each group a different starting point.
Give each group a “Fitness Hunt” Card.
• Additional instructions can be added.
Serve Fundamentals
Demonstrate serve – For points of emphasis, see Reciprocal Task Sheet #5. A reminder here – there are many points of emphasis in the Task sheet. Pick 1 or 2 and ask the class to focus on those key points.
Serve Toss Practice
Demonstrate and narrate the toss
Serve With Toss and Hit
Demonstrate serve with toss.
Serve Into Serve Box
Demonstrate serving into service area.
A good rule of thumb for most units of instruction is to observe your students trying the skill without your input. You can quickly observe the areas where they need coaching and support. Listening and observing should usually precede instruction unless safety is an issue.
Direct students to bring 2 balls to area.
Practice toss and catch several times.
Assign students to areas facing fence.
Serve practice-using balls.
Create Partners and assign to courts.
Serve into service box 2 times then partner serves.
Allow 10 practices per person.
Eight or fewer students move into circle formation. A ball is passed rapidly back and forth among them in any order. The object is to stay in the game as long as possible. A player sits down in place after making any of the following errors:
What are the similarities between the overhead and the serve?
What is the name of the scientific theory that is applied in serving?
What activities were done today that demonstrate the theory of momentum?
Students create cheer.
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