The student will:
Three students hold hands to form a triangle. One person in the triangle is the leader. The fourth person outside the triangle tries to tag the leader. The triangle moves around to avoid getting the leader tagged. Leader and tagger are changed often.
Use Whistle Mixer to make groups of 3.
This is an intense activity. Change the outside person after 8-15 seconds.
Agility run between and around cones
Hop through hula hoops
Hurdle over 3 benches set up with space between them
Leap/jump over ropes set up on a diagonal
Crab walk (feet first) length of a mat
Log roll down the length of a mat
Jump rope 10 times using “Hot Peppers”
Skip around cones set up
Crab walk (hands first) between markers/cones
Jog around the area
Stretching activities
Use Whistle Mixer to create groups to begin at designated stations.
Make signs for movement at each station.
Use music to motivate moving through obstacle course. Create intervals with 30 seconds of music followed by 5 seconds of silence to change stations.
Backhand Throwing
The thumb is on top of the disc and the fingers are under the rim. The index finger can also be placed on the outside of the disc. Coil the wrist and arm across the chest. Step forward and release the disc (keep it level) with a snap of the wrist.
Catching Above and Below the Waist
Thumb-Down Catch
The thumb-down catch is used for catching when the disk is received at waist level or above. The thumb is pointing toward the ground. The Frisbee should be tracked from the thrower’s hand. This clues the catcher about any tilt on the disk that may cause it to curve.
Thumb-Up Catch
The thumb-up catch is used when the Frisbee is received below waist level. The thumb points up and the fingers are spread.
Use Toe-to-Toe to create partners
Mark teaching area 10’ apart
Direct partners to line up facing partner 10 feet apart
Practice Backhand Throwing and catching above and below the waist.
Increase distance to increase challenge.
Teams of 6 or more play each other and try to land the Frisbee in the opponents end zone. If the Frisbee is caught in the end zone or before reaching the end zone, no point is scored, and the Frisbee is turned over to the other team. If a team has the Frisbee and makes a pass that is not caught and falls to the ground, the other team immediately takes possession at that spot. A point is scored when the Frisbee lands in the end zone without being caught.
Use Whistle Mixer to create teams of 7 or more.
Set up the field of play with 10-yard end zones.
Team scattered on field
What are some of the important points to remember when backhand throwing?
What are the key points to catching the Frisbee below the waist?
What were the main muscles you used during the Continuity Exercises?
CHEER: Frisbee Throwing is fun, fun, fun!
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