The student will:
Students jog in any direction, changing direction on signal.
Scatter formation
Specify type of angle they make when changing directions, (i.e., right, 45-degree)
Walk, do Arm Circles / 35 seconds
Crab Full-Leg Extension / 30 seconds
Skip sideways / 35 seconds
Body Twist / 30 seconds
Slide; change lead leg / 35 seconds
Jumping Jack variations / 30 seconds
Crab Walk / 35 seconds
Curl-Ups with Twist / 30 seconds
Hop to center and back / 35 seconds
Four Count Push-Ups / 30 seconds
Gallop Backwards / 35 seconds
Bear Hugs / 30 seconds
Grapevine Step (Carioca) / 35 seconds
Trunk Twisters / 30 seconds
Power Jumper / 35 seconds
Cool down with stretching and walking.
Tape alternating segments of silence (30 seconds) and music (35 seconds) to signal the duration of exercise. Music segments indicate aerobic activity while intervals of silence announce flexibility and strength development activities.
Allow students to adjust the workload to an intensity that is consistent with their ability level.
Use scatter formation; ask students to change directions from time to time to maintain spacing.
Review Forward Passing. Practice some of the following activities:
Scatter and practice passes and catches.
To finish, have students switch to a different shape to pass in another shape around the cones to each other.
Line up in groups of six facing a Frisbee placed 5 yards in front of the group. Players should be about an arm’s length apart. On “go!” the player on the left (Captain Frisbee) runs out and picks up the disc. He passes it to the player on the far right, who passes it back. Then to the next farthest player and so forth until the end of the line is reached. When the last player catches the disc, they run to the opposite end of the line to become the new Captain Frisbee and the previous captain runs to the right-hand end of the line to become the first receiver.
If a player must retrieve a disc, they have to return to their place before throwing the return pass.
Make groups of six 6 players; Each group has one Frisbee and lines up facing forward toward the Frisbee on the ground.
First person in line is Captain Frisbee.
Continue until the original captain runs out the front again and the whole team sits down to finish.
Ask students to review rules of Captain Frisbee. What was most challenging about the game?
Ask students the main points needed when passing a Frisbee.
What muscles were used during the Challenge Course?
Cheer: 2, 4, 6, 8, Captain Frisbee is really great!
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