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Archery Lesson Plan 2 - Tuesday


  • 1 bow per person
  • 6 arrows per person
  • Cones to mark teaching area
  • Four Corners Signs
  • 6 individual jump ropes for Four Corners
  • 1 hoop per person


The student will:

  1. Participate in Quarter Eagle demonstrating quickness, agility, and following the instructions described by the instructor.
  2. Participate in Four Corners to improve strength, endurance, and flexibility during the Fitness section of class.
  3. Demonstrate bracing the bow, stance, anchor hold, drawing, nocking the arrow, aiming, releasing and after hold as demonstrated by the instructor.
  4. Follow the safety rules established by the instructor.
  5. Participate in Hoop Challenges with a partner as presented by the instructor during the closing portion of class.


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