Badminton Block Plan


This unit has been specifically designed to meet all five components of the SHAPE America National Standards for Physical Education.

Week #1

Week #1

Introductory Activity


Lesson Focus

Closing Activity


Juggling Scarves

Challenge Course

Forehand Grip
Backhand Grip

Frisbee 21


Weave Drill


Underhand Serve, Review Forehand & Backhand Grip

All Aboard (Cooperative Activity)


Triangle Plus 1 Tag

Continuity Exercises

Forehand Clear Forehand Drop Forehand Smash

Cageball Target Throw


Balance Tag

Challenge Course

Backhand Shots,
Clear and Drop
Review Forehand

Hoops and Plyometrics


Running High Fives

Rope Jumping Fitness

Review Skills

Circle Hook On

Week #2

Week #2

Introductory Activity


Lesson Focus

Closing Activity



Continuity Exercises

Forehand Net Drop,
Backhand Net Drop,
Underhand Long Serve

Fetch Relay


Move and Stretch

Interval Training

Skills Review
Drive Rally

Mixed Doubles Games


Fastest Tag

Challenge Course

Play Doubles
Badminton Games

Snowball Relay


Vanishing Bean Bags


Station Skill Review

Over and Under Ball Relay



Challenge Course

Play Badminton Games

Frozen Tag

Week #3

Week #3

Introductory Activity


Lesson Focus

Closing Activity


Pentabridge Hustle

Parachute Rhythmic Aerobic Fitness

Play Badminton Games

Round Robin Tournament


Juggling Scarves

Fitness Stations

Play Badminton Games

Round Robin Tournament


Move and Perform a Stretch

Continuity Exercises

Written Exam

Pick-up Games


Eliminate Today

Parachute Rhythmic Aerobic Fitness

Skills Partner Testing

Pick-up Games


Balance Tag


Round Robin Tournament

Finish Round Robin Tournament or Pick-up Games

Unit Objectives:

The student will:

1. Juggle one, two, or three scarves as directed by the instructor.

2. Work cooperatively with peers during the High Five Introductory Activity.

3. Demonstrate agility and speed in the Triangle Tag Game

4. Demonstrate balancing in a variety of positions during the Balance Tag.

5. Demonstrate cooperation with peers during the Snowball Relay game.

6. Demonstrate agility, starting, stopping and stretching skills during the Move and Stretch Activity.

7. Demonstrate agility and dodging skills during the introductory activities.

8. Demonstrate cooperation and agility during the Pentabridge Hustle Introductory Activity.

9. Execute balancing positions, running, and dodging skills during the Balance Tag Introductory Activity

10. Participate in strengthening and stretching exercises, in the Fitness Challenge Course Circuit, Parachute Rhythmic Aerobic Activities, Interval Training Activities, Four Corners Fitness activities, and Continuity Exercises. 

11. Participate in “Marking” demonstrating agility and quickness.

12. Demonstrate cooperation with peers while playing All Aboard.

13. Demonstrate fair play and sportsmanship while playing Circle Hook On

14. Execute forehand and backhand strokes

15. Execute proper form of the forehand clear shot demonstrated by teacher.

16. Demonstrate the forehand smash and drop shots using form demonstrated in class.

17. Execute the backhand clear shot on the court using form demonstrated in class.

18. Execute the backhand drop shot on the court using form demonstrated in class.

19. Execute the forehand shots on the court using form demonstrated in class.

20. Perform the Badminton Forehand Clear Shot as demonstrated by the instructor.

21. Demonstrate forehand net drop using form taught by instructor.

22. Demonstrate serving on the court aiming for the hoops on the floor and using form demonstrated in class.

23. Demonstrate the forehand drive and drop shot during a rally activity with classmates.

24. Read the Rules Handout distributed by the instructor.

25. Practice underhand, forehand and backhand shots on a court using appropriate task sheets.

26. Practice the forehand smash to a target on the court using appropriate task sheets.

27. Execute skills and knowledge of rules while playing Badminton Doubles.

28. Play Singles Badminton with a partner demonstrating knowledge of rules of the game.

29. Play Badminton in a Round Robin Tournament during class executing skills and rules demonstrated in class.

30. Complete a Badminton Written Knowledge Exam during class and scoring 70% or better.

31. Complete a Badminton Skills Test working cooperatively with a partner during the class period.

Academic Integration Areas:

  1. The Challenge Course activities can integrate Muscular Use Identification, Numeric Patterns and Contrasting Terms.

    The teacher can say:
    • Tell me the main muscles that are used during your leaping and jumping fitness activities.
    • What muscles are you using during crab walks, curl-ups, and push-ups?
    • Create a pattern for moving through the Challenge Course. Reverse the pattern.

  2. The Frisbee 21 game requires cooperation and responsibility between the students. It also can reinforce numeric patterning.
    • What pattern did you notice developed to earn points? Were more points earned with the 2 handed catch or the 1-handed catch?

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