Week #1: Badminton Lesson Plan 3 - Wednesday


  • 1 Badminton Racquet per student
  • Music Intervals for Continuity Exercises
  • 2 Shuttlecocks per student
  • Cageball and 15 foam playground balls


The student will:

  1. Participate in the Triangle Plus 1 Tag to warm-up following the instructions of the instructor.
  2. Participate in Continuity Exercises during the fitness section of class to improve agility, flexibility, muscular strength, endurance and aerobic endurance.
  3. Demonstrate the forehand clear shot, drop shot, and the forehand smash during the lesson focus using form demonstrated by the instructor.
  4. Demonstrate the forehand and backhand grips during the lesson focus using form demonstrated by the instructor.
  5. Rally with a partner demonstrating skills previously learned and using form demonstrated by the instructor.
  6. Demonstrate cooperative skills by participating in partner Hoops on the Ground activities during the game portion of class.


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