The student will:
Three students hold hands to form a triangle. One person in the triangle is the leader. The fourth person outside the triangle tries to tag the leader. The triangle moves around to avoid getting the leader tagged. Leader and tagger are changed often.
Use Whistle Mixer to make groups of 3.
These exercises are a type of interval training. Create intervals with 30 – 35 seconds of music and 20 seconds of silence. During the music, the students will jump rope.
During each silence interval instruct the students to do a different exercise i.e. push-ups; curl ups; reverse push-ups; side leg lifts on each side; coffee grinder, arm circling, crab walks forward and backward, etc.
When the music resumes, the students jump rope again
Scattered formation
Direct students to pick up a rope and move to their own space.
1 Individual jump rope per student
Demonstrate Forehand Drop Shot
When contact with the shuttlecock is made, the racket face should be flat and pointing ahead or slightly downward. Guide the shuttlecock gently over the net. Remember to follow through. The shuttlecock should drop just over the net into the opponent’s forecourt.
Demonstrate Forehand Smash
Extend the arm when hitting the shuttlecock in front of the body. Perform rotation of the wrist and forearm quickly. The downward angle of the racket face is more important than racket speed. The shot should be attempted only from the front three-fourths of the court.
Use all strokes and keep the shuttlecock in place as much as possible.
Bring students together.
Assign practice: Forehand clear/drop shot. Return with a smash.
Assign students to court
Supplies: A cageball or large beachball (18- to 30-in.), 15 foam balls (8”)
Skill: Throwing
An area about 20 ft wide is marked across the center of the playing area, with a cageball in the center. The object of the game is to throw the foam balls against the cageball, thus forcing it across the line in front of the other team. Players may come up to the line to throw, but they may not throw while inside the cageball area. A player may enter the area, however, to recover a ball. No one is to touch the cageball at any time, nor may the cageball be pushed with a ball in the hands of a player. If the cageball seems to roll too easily, it should be deflated slightly.
Name one forehand shot? Where should the shuttle land in a drop shot?
Where should the shuttle land on the court when using the forehand clear shot?
5, 4, 3, 2, 1,. Badminton is lots of fun!
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