The student will:
Spread beanbags throughout the area to allow 1 per student. Students move around the area until a signal is given. On the signal, they find a beanbag and sit on each. Each round, direct a new locomotor movement task and take away a beanbag.
Scatter formation
Outline a large rectangle with four cones. Place signs with tasks on both sides of the cones. Students move around the outside of the rectangle and change their movement pattern as they approach a corner sign.
The following movement tasks are suggested:
1. Jogging
2. Skipping/Jumping/Hopping
3. Sliding/Galloping
4. Abdominal strengthening exercises
5. Upper body strengthening exercises
6. Side leg work
7. Full body stretches
Use Whistle Mixer to create 4 equal groups.
Assign each group to a corner.
3 Stations:
This lesson focus may take two class periods to complete.
Review skills
Explain task sheets
Explain stations
Review Singles rules
Using a management game, divide the class into 3 groups.
Assign each group to a station.
Describe rotation procedures.
Distribute equipment and task sheets
Each team is spread out in open squad formation so that players are 10 to 15 feet (3 to 5 m) apart. The first person in line passes the ball backward overhead to the nearest teammate. That person throws it backward between the legs to another teammate, and the pattern repeats. When the ball gets to the end of the squad, that person runs to the front of the squad and passes the ball backward. The process is repeated until all players have had a turn at the end and front of the squad.
Use Whistle Mixer to create lines/squads of 5-6.
Distribute 1 ball per group
Assign spaces for lines leaving room between lines.
Discuss singles rules and any questions that may have arisen.
Review elements of skills taught in class today.
What muscles were used during class today?
Cheer: P.E. is great for me!
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