The student will:
Students jog in formation. Last person sprints to front of line to become leader.
Line or circle formation
These exercises are a type of interval training. Create intervals with 30 – 35 seconds of music and 20 seconds of silence. During the music, the students will jump rope.
During each silence interval instruct the students to do a different exercise i.e. push-ups; curl ups; reverse push-ups; side leg lifts on each side; coffee grinder, arm circling, crab walks forward and backward, etc.
When the music resumes, the students jump rope again
Scattered formation
Direct students to pick up a rope and move to their own space.
1 Individual jump rope per student
Play Five Passes to practice passing on the move. This game is like keep-away, but the object is to make five consecutive passes. As soon this goal has been reached, the ball is turned over to the other team. Students are not allowed to travel with the ball. Two or three dribbles may be allowed between passes. Players may hold the ball for only three seconds.
See Lesson Plan 2 more information.
Create Task Sheets covering these passing skills.
Allow students to work together and check form on Task Sheets.
When playing Five Passes, avoid passing over or around the defender. Pass fake in opposite direction. Watch the defender’s hands and make a quick, accurate pass away from them. When the defender plays with his/her hands up, fake high and pass under their arm pit. When the defender holds his/her down, fake low and pass over their shoulder between their arm and head.
Each student has a hoop and rolls it alongside or carries it while jogging. On the signal, the hoops are dropped, and students are challenged to move in and out of as many hoops as possible during the time given. The number and color of hoops to move in and out of can be specified, as can the type of activity to perform. Students can be asked to do plyometric-type movements with two feet, one foot, or alternating feet. When the teacher gives the next signal, students pick up their hoops and resume jogging with them or rolling them.
Scattered formation.
Use many different jumps in and out of the hoops.
Use lunges, straddle jumps, and power skipping (lifting the knees as high as possible).
Review elements of passing skills taught.
What type of training style are continuity exercises?
Why is interval training a good way to cross train?
When passing in basketball, what are some cues to successful passing?
Cheer: 2, 4, 6, 8, Basketball is really great!
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