The student will:
Students find a partner. One person gets in position on all fours or in bridge position, and the other stands alongside, ready to begin the movement challenge. The challenge is given to move over, go under, and run around the partner a certain number of times. For example, one partner moves over the other 5 times, goes under 8 times, and runs around 10 times. When the task is completed, partners change positions and repeat the challenge. To increase motivation, the challenge can be made to move over, under, and around different students. For a more difficult challenge, the students move on all fours slowly throughout the area.
Depending on class, start by going over and around. If more challenge is needed, add going under a partner.
Use toe-to-toe to quickly find a partner. Change partners often.
Jump in place 8 times
Walk in place 16 times.
Run in place 8 times.
Run in place 8 times
Perform 8 jumping jacks.
Perform 8 jumping jacks.
Mountain Climber
Run in place 8 times.
Run in place 8 times.
Perform 4 slides to the right.
Hop on one foot and lift up the opposite knee.
Hop and swing kick the opposite foot forward.
Charleston Bounce Step
Schottische step 4 times in a row
(Run R, L, R, Hop L. Alternate 4 X.)
Grapevine Schottische. 4 times
Run 3 times in place.
Twist the body using a bounce landing.
Walk in place
Hit the sides of thighs with straight arms.
On toes performing 16 steps moving arms down and up on the sides or in the front of the body.
Lift feet high in the rear.
Lift knees high in front.
Arms move down and up with leg movements
Arms move down and up to shoulder level
Jump and land with feet separated forward and backward. Alternate which foot lands in front and in back on each jump. Arms swing high in opposition to legs.
Lift knees high in the front.
Lift feet high in the rear.
Repeat to the left. Repeat whole phrase.
Step L, kick R foot forward, step back, and touch L toe back. Repeat 8 times. Reverse.
Run 3 times in place or while traveling then hop (clap simultaneously).
Step to R, cross L foot over R, step to R on the R foot, cross L behind the R, and step on R while traveling to R. Repeat phrase 4 times moving to R.
Step to R on R, cross L behind R, step on R-to-R and hop on R. Reverse. Repeat 4 times.
Kick and clap on 4th count. Alternate. Repeat 4 X.
Swing arms in opposition overhead on each twist.
To cool down
Random Dribbling
Each student has a ball. Dribbling is done in place, varied by using left and right hands. Develop a sequence of body positions (i.e., standing, kneeling, lying on the side, on two feet and one hand). Dribble with each hand.
One-Hand Control Drill
Begin with the right hand holding the ball. Make a half circle around the right leg to the back. Bounce the ball between the legs (back to front) and catch it with the right hand and move it around the body again. Change hands.
Obstacle, or Figure-Eight, Dribbling
For obstacle, or figure-eight, dribbling, three or more obstacles are positioned about 5 feet apart. The first player at the head of each file dribbles in and around each obstacle, changing hands so that the hand opposite the obstacle is the one always used.
Slide Circle Drill
In the slide circle drill, a circle of four to six players slides around a person in the center. The center person passes to and receives from the sliding players. After the ball has gone around the circle twice, another player takes the center position.
Circle-Star Drill
With only five players, a circle-star drill is particularly effective. Players pass to every other player, and the path of the ball forms a star. The star drill works well as a relay. Any odd number of players will cause the ball to go to all participants, assuring that all receive equal practice.
Practice the skills in an individual manner as much as possible. The best alternative is a ball for every student to shoot and dribble. Reduce taking turns as much as possible when practicing skills.
Instructional cues for dribbling include the following:
Instructional cues help students focus on proper performance of passing.
Supplies: A junior basketball, pinnies (optional)
Skills: All basketball skills
This is an excellent class activity if four or more baskets are available. The game is played by two teams according to the rules of basketball but with the following exceptions.
Review major elements of dribbling skills presented in class.
How can you shield the ball from your opponent?
Cheer: 3, 6, 8, Basketball is great!
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