The student will:
Students are in ready position and performing a quick shuffle step in place. They will shuffle left, right, forward, backward, over, and around obstacles on signal by the teacher’s hand motion.
Scattered formation in front of teacher.
Mark area with cones.
Five or six fitness activities are arranged in the center (the Pit) of a large circle outlined with marking spots (the racetrack). If desired, tumbling mats can be placed in the center of the racetrack to delineate the pit stop area. Students work with a partner and alternate running (or doing other locomotor movements) around the racetrack and going to the pit to perform a strength or flexibility exercise. A different exercise should be performed each time, so students assure variety in their workout.
The following are some examples of exercises that can be used for Pit exercises.
Intervals of 30 seconds of music with 10 seconds of silence can be used to signal role changes. The student who was running the track now goes to the pit to exercise and vice versa.
Assure that students run under control (not as fast as they can) and in the same direction.
Allow students to perform at a level they feel comfortable. Youngsters are genetically different and should not be expected to do the same amount of exercise repetitions.
Distribute the Catching Task Sheet to all students
Discuss and demonstrate skills on Task Sheet.
Partners stand 10’ apart and across from each other. Observer on side of doer.
Review the passing skills and discuss the importance of quality passes. It is impossible to catch a poorly thrown pass.
Use Whistle Mixer to make groups of 3.
Have equipment and Task Sheets at assigned areas with cones marking a 10 ft throwing and catching distance.
Allow students some time to warm up before evaluating the catching performances.
The court is divided in half by a centerline. End zones are marked 3 ft wide, completely across the court at each end. Players on each team are divided into three groups: forwards, guards, and ends. The object is for a forward to throw successfully to one of the end-zone players. End-zone players take positions in one of the end zones. Their forwards and guards then occupy the half of the court farthest from this end zone. The forwards are near the centerline, and the guards are back near the end zone of their half of the court. The ball is put into play with a center jump between the two tallest opposing forwards. When a team gets the ball, the forwards try to throw over the heads of the opposing team to an end-zone player. To score, the ball must be caught by an end-zone player with both feet inside the zone. No moving with the ball is permitted by any player. After each score, play is resumed by a jump ball at the centerline.
A penalty results in loss of the ball to the other team. Penalties are assessed for the following.
In case of an out-of-bounds ball, the ball belongs to the team that did not cause it to go out. The nearest player retrieves the ball at the sideline and returns it to a player of the proper team. Encourage fast, accurate passing. Players in the end zones need to jump high to catch the ball while still landing with both feet inside the end-zone area. A system of rotation is desirable. Each time a score is made, players on that team can rotate one person.
Review elements and difficulties of skills practiced.
Cheer: 1, 2, 3 catch the ball thrown to me!!!!!
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