The student will:
All students are it. When tagged, they must cover that area of their body with one hand. Students may be tagged twice, but they must be able to hold both tagged spots and keep moving. When a student is tagged three times, he must freeze.
Start the activity over regularly rather than waiting for all students to be tagged. The goal is moving and warming up rather than seeing who can avoid the tag.
Hit the sides of thighs with straight arms.
On toes performing 16 steps moving arms down and up on the sides or in the front of the body.
Lift feet high in the rear.
Lift knees high in front.
Arms move down and up with leg movements
Arms move down and up to shoulder level
Jump and land with feet separated forward and backward. Alternate which foot lands in front and in back on each jump. Arms swing high in opposition to legs.
Lift knees high in the front.
Lift feet high in the rear.
Repeat to the left. Repeat whole phrase.
Step L, kick R foot forward, step back, and touch L toe back. Repeat 8 times. Reverse.
Run 3 times in place or while traveling then hop (clap simultaneously).
Step to R, cross L foot over R, step to R on the R foot, cross L behind the R, and step on R while traveling to R. Repeat phrase 4 times moving to R.
Step to R on R, cross L behind R, step on R-to-R and hop on R. Reverse. Repeat 4 times.
Kick and clap on 4th count. Alternate. Repeat 4 X.
Swing arms in opposition overhead on each twist.
To cool down
Create new teams
Create new teams
Discuss tournament play and review any rules necessary.
Cheer: 3, 2, 1 Football is fun!
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