Kickboxing - 2 Day Unit

This unit has been specifically designed to meet all five components of the SHAPE America National Standards for Physical Education.

Two Day Unit Plan

Introductory Activity


Lesson Focus

Closing Activity

Day One

Run and Change Directions

Squad Leader Exercises

Stance, Punches, Blocks, Kicks

Frisbee Keep Away

Day Two

Vanishing Bean Bags

Aerobic Workout Routine

Review Basic Moves
Kickboxing Routine

Balance Tag

Unit Objectives:

The student will:

  1. Demonstrate agility and listening skills while participating in the Run and Change Direction Introductory Activity.
  2. Participate in the Squad Leader exercises following directions and using form demonstrated by the instructor.
  3. Demonstrate the Boxer’s stance placing the dominant foot to the rear of the front foot and using form demonstrated by the instructor.
  4. Demonstrate the Boxer’s center jog stance using form demonstrated by the instructor.
  5. Demonstrate the Jab, Cross, Uppercut, Hook, Block and Flutter Jabs using the right and left hand and form demonstrated by the instructor.
  6. Demonstrate the basic kicks of front, side, and roundhouse leading with both the right and left foot and using form demonstrated by the instructor.
  7. Demonstrate the routine presented by the instructor to the music provided and use form demonstrated by the instructor.
  8. Participate in the game activities and demonstrate cooperation and good sportsmanship while following directions.

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