The student will:
Two or more people begin by being “it.” When they tag someone, they hold hands or lock elbows. As more people are tagged, the chain or blob of people becomes long, and only those at the end of the chain are eligible to tag.
Stop the activity anytime and see who has the most students in their blob. Start over with new people who are “it.”
Set up 6 stations in teaching area. Each station has a Task Card listing 6- 8 exercise to perform. Select the locomotor movement to be performed by partner during each exercise.
On the start signal, one partner begins the first exercise or stretch listed at the station, while the other partner jogs/gallops/skips/leaps/slides around the perimeter of the stations.
Upon returning, the partners switch roles and then move down the list of activities on the cards.
Use Whistle Mixer to create groups of 6. Use elbow to elbow within the group to make pairs.
Use music to make fitness fun and motivated movement.
Have station task card instructions on each cone arranged in a circle or rectangle around the teaching area.
Carry and Cradle
Run in and around cones while cradling ball
Mirroring while Carrying and Cradling
Doer goes through cones using various locomotor and evading skills while cradling. Partner follows the movements. Change roles after each run through cones. Switch hands. Repeat above drill switching hands during the activity.
Complete the Cradling Task Sheet #5 for Skill Review
Review scooping the ball.
One student rolls ball to partner. Doer runs to ball and scoop sit up. Change rolls after 10 attempts.
Students works alone.
Students work with a partner.
Identify first Doer.
Try to have enough lines of cones for 1 per 2 students. If not possible, have students work in 4 people per group.
Stay in groups of two.
Monitor safety distances between groups.
6-On-6 with no goalie. Home team starts the game with a pass to one of its players. Team must complete two consecutive passes before trying to shoot on goal. On a loose ball, the first child to cover the ball with his stick gets to keep possession. If the ball goes out of bounds, possession goes to the other team. If there is a goal, possession goes to the other team.
Create teams of 6.
Create game areas and goals with cones.
Have students take turns serving as referees.
Describe the elements involved to carry and cradle the lacrosse stick and ball.
What are be basic points to Scoop the ball?
What was the most challenging part of Racetrack Fitness?
What muscles were used during Fitness?
Cheer: Cradling and Carrying is Fun!
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