The student will:
One student is the fugitive, and one is the police. The fugitive is given a head start. The police person can only tag his fugitive – fugitive student may use flag belts.
Use toe to toe or elbow to elbow to group students in 2’s.
Can direct various locomotor movements that can be used.
Students work together in teams or small groups. The teams stay together and hunt within the exercise area of the gym or field space.
Examples of entries that can be used on the exercise sheet:
The teams are given a laminated sheet or card that lists the area to find and the activities to perform at the designated area. The sheets could have 8 to 12 activities, depending on how long the fitness segment of the lesson is going to last.
Assign each team a different starting point to ensure that students are spread across all areas and that a backup of students does not occur at one of the fitness areas.
When teams complete their tasks, they continue walking around the area and cooling down.
Review Passing and Catching Skills
Students throw at a wall and catch the ball on rebound.
Throw and rebound a ball 10 times using dominant hand; switch to non-dominant hand.
Review Cradling
Have students run around the teaching area cradling the ball without bumping into anyone.
Play Lacrosse Keep Away Mini Game
Create groups of 3.
Assign groups to area. Mark end lines. Students toss and catch ball while person in center tries to intercept. Change roles every 2 minutes to keep the game going.
Divide the class into two lines opposite each other.
While seated, the object is to kick the ball over the head of the other team to score. No hands can be used.
Use one or two 24” cageballs
Use lines or spots to mark the restraining lines so players don’t creep forward.
What is the best way to throw a pass?
What muscles do you use while throwing and passing the ball?
If you and your teammate are running, where should you aim so your teammate can catch the ball?
What muscles did you use during Fitness today? What was the focus of Fitness today?
What is the most challenging about Long Team Cage Ball?
Cheer: Fitness is the way to keep alert and in good shape!
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