The student will:
Students stand back-to-back with elbows hooked.
Partners move around area connected dodging the Its.
Have students get in groups of two.
Select 3-4 partners to be “It” who try to tag other pairs.
If they tag another “spider”, they give up the tag to that set of partners.
Set up 6 stations in teaching area. Each station has a Task Card listing 6- 8 exercise to perform. Select the locomotor movement to be performed by partner during each exercise.
On the start signal, one partner begins the first exercise or stretch listed at the station, while the other partner jogs/gallops/skips/leaps/slides around the perimeter of the stations.
Upon returning, the partners switch roles and then move down the list of activities on the cards.
Use Whistle Mixer to create groups of 6. Use elbow to elbow within the group to make pairs.
Use music to make fitness fun and motivated movement.
Have station task card instructions on each cone arranged in a circle or rectangle around the teaching area.
Demonstrate catching skills
Have students go to fence/wall and practice tossing ball against the fence and catching with both hands on the stick.
Direct pairs to face each other and catch a tossed ball
Passing skills
Demonstrate passing techniques
In pairs, pass back and forth is practice area.
In twos, run down the field passing and catching while about 10, then 20 yards apart.
Player should present target with the open part of the stick toward the passer.
Identify safe areas to practice.
Bring students together in Scatter Formation
Same motion as throwing a softball
Use Elbow-to-Elbow to create new pairs.
Throw a leading pass so receiver can run at top speed.
Potato Relays (Use a bean bag instead of a potato)
Students pick up potato from pile in front of group and run to first hoop, run back to pick up next potato and run to next hoop, continue until all potatoes are in the hoops. Next student picks up the potato and runs it back to line. Then picks up next potato out of second hoop and runs it back until they are all returned.
Create lines by playing Whistle Mixer to make groups of 5
Then Home Base to make lines.
Place hoops approximately 15 feet apart in front of each line.
Place bean bag/ potato in front of each line.
Repeat pattern of picking up potato and running them to hoops and back to line until all students have gone.
Ask students what the best technique is to catch and pass the ball
What muscles were used during the class?
What was the most challenging part of class?
What type of fitness is needed to play Lacrosse?
Cheer: 1, 2, 3 P.E. is the place to be
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