Week #2: Lacrosse Lesson Plan 6 - Monday


  • Cones for obstacle course for fitness, goals, & field area
  • 1 Lacrosse stick and ball per student
  • Music for Continuity Exercises Fitness
  • 1 Jump rope per student
  • Colored pinnies for teams
  • Cones to mark goal areas around the field
  • Goalie masks/softball catcher’s mask and chest protection


The student will:

  1. Demonstrate agility, quickness and cooperation while participating in the Running Weave Drill during Fitness.
  2. Demonstrate goaltending skills during the Lesson Focus using skills demonstrated by the instructor.
  3. Demonstrate dodging skills during the Lesson Focus using skills demonstrated by the instructor.
  4. Participate in the Cradling Relays demonstrating cradling, quickness, safety and cooperation during the Game portion of class.



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