The student will:
Students sit facing a partner with legs crossed or extended. One beanbag is placed on the floor equally between the two partners. The teacher calls out, “Right” or “Left,” and the students try to grab the beanbag with the hand that was called by the teacher. The same activity can be performed from a push-up position or a sit-up position. Partners face each other and quickly try to grab the beanbag with the right or left hand, as called by the teacher.
Facing partner in scattered formation.
One beanbag per two students.
Change partners often.
16 Runs clockwise
16 Runs counterclockwise
16 Jumps to center
16 Jumps back
8 count lift overhead
8 count lower to toes
4 count lift
4 count lower
Repeat all, but increase difficulty by holding chute overhead on CW run
Release on last lift.
After the aerobic movements above have been learned, stop the music, and insert the exercises below.
“Run left”
“Run right”
“Jump to center!”
“Jump back and tighten chute!”
“Lift overhead!” (8 Counts.)
“Lower to toes”
“Again!” “Up! Down!”
“Hold overhead and run left!” (32 Counts.)
“Hold at waist and run right!”
“Lift overhead!” (16 Counts.)
“Lower to toes!”
“Lift & Release!”
Review rope, ball, ribbon, hoop skills previously taught
Guide students through review of each apparatus.
One team wears flags positioned in the back of the belt. On signal, the chase team captures as many flags as possible within a designated amount of time. The captured flags are counted. The teams switch positions and the team that captures the most flags wins.
Scatter formation inside large boundary area.
Split class into using a management game such as back-to-back; toe-to-toe; or elbow-to-elbow to make two groups by then directing one in the group to put hand on hips. Then separate the two groups into teams.
Direct one team to pick up belts with flags attached.
Identify which apparatus you enjoy most and explain why.
What was challenging in the Challenge Course?
Students create cheer today.
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