Rock Climbing - 1 Week Unit

1-Week Unit

Introductory Activity


Lesson Focus

Closing Activity


Move and Perform a Stretch

Jackpot Fitness

Introduction Rope and Knot Tying

Snowball Relay


Weave Drill

Walk, Jog, Sprint

Safety Harness and Knots

Spider Tag


Coffee Grinder Square

Jackpot Fitness

Equipment Explanation and Demonstration

Over and Under Ball Relay


Flash Drill

Walk, Jog, Sprint

Hand and Foot Holds Belaying and Rappelling

Bowling Pin Relay


Triangle Plus One Tag

Jackpot Fitness

Pelvic Stability and Hip Endurance

Unit Objectives:

The student will:

  1. Participate in the coffee grinder square as an Introductory Activity.
  2. Participate in Jackpot Fitness to improve fitness.
  3. Participate in Walk, Jog, Sprint to improve cardiovascular endurance.
  4. Demonstrate how to attach a carabineer to a rope through an ATC.
  5. When asked, demonstrate safety procedures for rock climbing.
  6. Explain the purpose of a safety harness.
  7. Demonstrate tying the following knots used in rock climbing: water knot; bite knot; figure eight; and double figure eight knot.
  8. Use the rock-climbing equipment safely and properly as demonstrated by the instructor in class.
  9. Demonstrate the 5 hand and 5 foot holds demonstrated in class.
  10. Tie the double figure eight and follow through knot.
  11. Tie the double figure eight with a bite knot.
  12. Describe out load why tying knots is important in rock climbing.
  13. Demonstrate the skill of belaying using form demonstrated in class.
  14. Demonstrate the skill of rappelling using form demonstrated in class.
  15. Demonstrate the uses and describe the functions of the safety harness.
  16. Participate in the Over and Under Ball Relay.
  17. Participate in a Spider Tag demonstrating strength and cooperative skills.

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