The student will:
Group students evenly at five or six hoops and place a variety of items such as soft balls, yarn balls, rubber chickens, scarves, or beanbags in the center of the playing area. The purpose is to obtain as many items as possible in the hoop when time is called. Students may carry one item at a time. Items must be carried (not thrown or passed). Students may not defend their hoop.
One way to incorporate health content is to signal red items as muscle, yellow as fat. Groups should try to gain muscle and get rid of fat. This activity can also be done using different colors as food groups.
Students begin work with a partner at one of five or six stations in the gym or on a field outside. The stations are arranged in a circle or rectangle around the area. Each station has a sign with five or six exercises or stretches to perform. On the start signal, one partner begins the first exercise or stretch on the card, while the other partner jogs around the perimeter of the stations. After the jogging partner returns, the partners switch roles and move down the list of activities on the cards.
Assign partners to a station to begin.
The teacher can change the locomotor movement for the students going around the cones. For example, in addition to jogging, students can do carioca steps, slide, run backward, skip, or hurdle around the stations. The signs at the stations might include stretches, jumping jacks, crab kicks, treadmills, sit-ups, push-ups, body twists, and other variations. Continuous music can be used to motivate students. Stability balls and medicine balls can be added to the racetrack stations.
Demonstrate the Forehand Drive stance, open and closed racquet position.
Each student hits ball 5 times using open and closed racquet face position.
Demonstrate Serves Forehand and Backhand
Each student serves forehand 5 times. Rotate clockwise.
Each student serves backhand 5 times. Rotate clockwise.
Describe Table Tennis Rules
Scattered formation
Rotate around the table clockwise.
Place ball in palm of hand for serve
Stand with your non serving side to target to serve
5 balls per table
Receivers catch balls for next person
Students stand back-to-back with a partner with the elbows hooked. Select 2 or 3 pairs to be “it” and chase the other pairs. If a pair is tagged or becomes unhooked, they are “it.”
Create pairs.
Keep the game within the activity area.
Review Table Tennis Rules.
Are there any questions about the Forehand or Backhand Serve that I taught you today?
Are there any questions about the Forehand or Backhand shot?
How popular is Table Tennis?
Cheer: PE (clap clap), PE (clap clap), PE (clap clap), yea!
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