The student will:
Four or five taggers are selected to be “it.” If a student is tagged, they must hold the injury with the other hand. If tagged twice, the student must hold each wound with a hand. On the third tag, student must go to one knee and wait for a rehab high five from a classmate.
Different types of rehabilitation can be used. The easiest is to touch a body part or run a full circle around the person.
Change the taggers often.
Set up five or six cones in a circle around the gym with two or three jump ropes at each cone. Students need to get a partner and start at one of the cones. One partner jumps rope at the cone, while the other partner jogs around the circle. Partners switch roles with the completion of each lap. Teachers can vary the student movement around the cones with the following: walk, jog, slide, do carioca steps, power skip, and perform butt kickers (heels hit the butt).
In the early stages of learning this routine, teachers can stop the action and lead the class in a strength or flexibility exercise.
When students understand how the routine is conducted, use music intervals to signal stopping the Jump and Jog and doing flexibility and strength exercises. The strength and flexibility exercises allow student to recover aerobically before getting back to jumping and jogging.
As students improve their rope-jumping skills, the teacher can vary the foot patterns with the following: two-foot basic step, jog step, side swings (left and right), jumping-jack step, ski jump step, scissors step, crossovers, and double jumps.
Demonstrate the following skills:
Students work in pairs practicing each skill. Team handball is a passing game and the passes are similar to basketball passes.
Change partners often so students get to meet all students in the class.
Simple rules dictate this game. Partners throw back and forth to each other. When they make a one hand catch, it is worth 1 point. When they make a simultaneous two hand catch, it is worth 2 points.
Change partners often so students can play with a variety of peers.
To win, the score must reach exactly 21. If a two-hand catch pushes the point total past 21, two points are subtracted.
What was the origin of Team Handball?
What muscles did you use in Circuit Training today?
What is the value of Circuit Training?
Discuss each pass taught and any problems students may have encountered in the learning process.
Cheer: 2, 4, 6, 8, Team Handball is G-R-E-A-T!
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