The student will:
In the wave activity, students are in ready position. They shuffle (without a crossover step) left, right, backward, or forward on signal.
This activity can be done in different ways. For example, students must use a crossover step or perform the wave on all fours.
Another variation is to place an obstacle (boundary cone) for students to shuffle over.
16 Runs clockwise
16 Runs counterclockwise
16 Jumps to center
16 Jumps back
8 count lift overhead
8 count lower to toes
4 count lift
4 count lower
Repeat all, but increase difficulty by holding chute overhead on CW run
Release on last lift.
After the aerobic movements above have been learned, stop the music, and insert the exercises below.
1. Toe Touches: Lift chute taut to chin. Bend forward and touch grip to toes. Hold taut to chin.
2. Curl Ups: Curl-up, bend knees, lie back, extend legs. Repeat 16 times. Hold Parachute sitting position in a circle. Curl up, bent knees. Extended legs under chute and lie on back.
3. Dorsal Lifts: Prone position with head toward chute with arms straight and the chest taut. Lift arms and chest and hold for 4 counts.
4. Sitting Leg Lift: Sit with legs under chute; on signal lift a leg off ground for 6 to 10 seconds. Try to keep leg straight. Alternate legs. Try a variation: Side leg lefts. Lie on side. Lift top leg and lower.
“Run left”
“Run right”
“Jump to center!”
“Jump back and tighten chute!”
“Lift overhead!” (8 Counts.)
“Lower to toes”
“Again!” “Up! Down!”
“Hold overhead and run left!” (32 Counts.)
“Hold at waist and run right!”
“Lift overhead!” (16 Counts.)
“Lower to toes!”
“Lift & Release!”
Use music that has a strong easy to hear rhythm
Continue Round Robin Tournament
While doing Parachute Fitness Activities this week, have you discovered any areas in which you need to work harder to improve your fitness levels?
Discuss results of tournament and make all students feel comfortable with the outcome.
Cheer: Everybody is a winner!
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