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Ultimate Frisbee Block Plan


This unit has been specifically designed to meet all components of the SHAPE America National Standards for Physical Education.

Week #1

Week #1

Introductory Activity


Lesson Focus

Closing Activity


Vanishing Bean Bags

Astronaut Drills

Overhand Throw, Sandwich Catch, Sidearm Throw

Five Passes


Triangle plus 1 Tag

Mini-Challenge Course

Catching Above and Below the Waist

Toss Over


Jog and Change Direction

Astronaut Drills

Review Backhand Throwing Passing in a shape

Captain Frisbee


Running High Fives

Mini-Challenge Course

Basic Rules Throwing Long Distances

Frisbee 21



Astronaut Drills

Review skills and rules Blocking opponents passes

Base Tag

Week #2

Week #2

Introductory Activity


Lesson Focus

Closing Activity



Racetrack Fitness

Passing and Catching on the Run

Stop the Frisbee


Move and Stretch

Fitness Scavenger Hunt

Backhand Throwing Formations Field Mechanics during games play


Number Challenges

Racetrack Fitness

Self-Check Task-Throwing Review Rules of the game

Ultimate Frisbee


Combination Movements

Fitness Scavenger Hunt

Ultimate Frisbee Round Robin Tournament


European Running with Variations

Racetrack Fitness

Ultimate Frisbee Round Robin Tournament

Unit Objectives:

The student will:

  1. Demonstrate agility and cooperation during Vanishing Bean Bags, Triangle plus 1Tag, Jog and Change Directions, Zipper, Marking, Move and Stretch, Number Challenges, Running High Fives, European Running, and Combination Movements, following the rules and demonstrations of the instructor during the Introductory Activities.
  2. Demonstrate proper form as demonstrated by the instructor while performing Astronaut Drills, Mini Challenge Course, Racetrack Fitness, and Fitness Scavenger Hunt.
  3. Demonstrate the Overhand Throw, Sidearm Throw, Catching Above and Below the Waist, Backhand Throwing, Passing in a Shape, Long Throws, and Passing and Catching on the Run during the Lesson Focus demonstrating form demonstrated by the instructor.
  4. Participate in Five Passes, Toss Over, Captain Frisbee, Frisbee 21, Stop the Frisbee and Ultimate Frisbee demonstrating cooperation during the Game portion of class while following instructions and using form demonstrated in class.

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