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Week #2: Ultimate Frisbee Lesson Plan 8 - Wednesday


  • Signs for Number Challenges
  • Music for Racetrack Fitness
  • Cones, signs, and mats for Racetrack Fitness
  • Rules handout 1 per student
  • 1-Self-Check Task Sheet per student
  • 1-pencil and clipboard per student
  • 1 Frisbee per student
  • Colored pinnies for ½ of the students in class
  • Station cards demonstrating backhand, overhand, underhand throws


The student will:

  1. Participate in Number Challenges during the Introductory portion of class following the instructions presented by students holding the Task Cards.
  2. Participate in Racetrack Fitness.
  3. Complete the Self-Check Skills Review Task Sheet following the instructions listed on the Task Sheet and using form reviewed by the instructor.
  4. Read and discuss the Ultimate Frisbee Rules Handout and answer questions posed by the instructor during the Closing portion of class.
  5. Participate in the game of Ultimate Frisbee directed by the instructor during the Game portion of the class following rules and demonstrating cooperation amongst classmates.


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