The student will:
Students move throughout area in designated manner while the music is playing. When music stops, they stop and perform a stretching activity lead by teacher or selected student.
Bring students together in a scattered formation.
Use cones to designate activity area.
A large rectangle is formed using four cones as markers. Students move continually around the perimeter of the rectangle. At each corner, a different movement is performed. Examples of activity alternatives that can be performed on the long sides of the rectangle are jogging, power skipping, sliding, jumping, and hopping. On the short sides of the rectangle, movements requiring slower, more concentrated attention (for example, lunges and inchworms) can be performed.
Locomotor aerobic activities to direct: Skipping; Jogging; Sliding; Running backwards; Jumping; Leaping; Hopping; Galloping.
Follow aerobic work with stretching activities such as Lower leg stretch; Balance beam stretch; Groin stretch; Cross-legged stretch; twisting; Standing hip bend, etc.
An interesting variation is to set up tumbling activities or tires and challenge students to go over, around, and through them. The need for continuous movement should be emphasized, and the rectangle should be large enough to provide a challenging workload for the cardiorespiratory system.
Use signs on cones that list the exercises, stretching, and aerobic activities students are to perform as they pass a cone. Place 2-3 activities on each cone so students have some choices of activities to do.
Station 1. Front Overhand Pass/Set.
In overhand passes, the body is set up under the ball, which is directly above the passer’s nose. The hands are cupped to form a triangle-shaped window. The knees are bent, and the legs are about shoulder-width apart and in a stride position. The ball is contacted simultaneously with the fingers and thumbs of both hands. The legs, body, and arms uncoil into the ball in one smooth movement. Sets can be made from a front position facing the target and from a back position with the back to the target.
2. Over the net set
Drill demonstration: Set the ball once to self, then over the net partner.
3. Serving Review
Demonstrate drill.
Use Back-to-back technique to make pairs.
1 person puts hands on hips. That person gets1 ball for partners and sets up 2 lines facing partner:
x x x x
x x x x
Partners stand on opposite sides of the net.
2 to 3 partner sets to a court.
Variation: 2 people to a side, set to each other and then set over the net.
Assign 1/3 of the class to this with partner station.
“Its” try to tag. Safe position = push-up position and activity. Can only perform 3 and then the safe position is removed. The “It” person cannot stand and wait for the person to complete their pushups. They can only pursue those students actively moving.
Select several “its” to be taggers.
Students must stay active throughout game.
Students huddle close together. Questions: What did you learn today? Name the two types of serves you’ve practices.
Cheer: Roses are red, violets are blue, P.E. is great, Volleyball Rules.
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