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Week #2: Weight Training Lesson Plan 10 - Friday


  • Mats and Cones for Partner Racetrack Fitness
  • Individual Weight Training Programs
  • Task Sheets 30-32
  • Music intervals for Partner Racetrack Fitness
  • Balls for Over and Under Relay


Upon completion of this lesson, you will:

  1. Have read the lesson covering the benefits of weight training.
  2. Evaluate personal fitness needs by completing a check list.
  3. State your personal fitness goals pertaining to weight training.
  4. Develop, write, practice, and modify a personal weight training program demonstrating an understanding of the scientific principles and practical theories covered in this class.
  5. Understand the usefulness of a weight-training chart for monitoring your workouts.
  6. Use a weight-training chart to record your exercises.


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