Upon completion of this lesson, you will:
Call out a number, and students yell the number while performing the movement. The sequence is as follows:
1. Standing position
2. Bend knees, hands on floor
3. Legs back into an all-fours position, head up
4. Half flip right to a crab position
5. Half flip right to an all-fours position
This drill can also be done with a left flip or with two flips, one left and one right, and so forth.
The burpee-flip can be done in small groups or in unison with the entire class. The teacher calls out the number, and students yell the number while performing the movement.
Scatter formation
Use caution to ensure that students are far enough apart in case one student flips the wrong way.
Five or six fitness activities are arranged in the center (the Pit) of a large circle outlined with marking spots (the racetrack). Place tumbling mats in the center of the racetrack to delineate the pit stop area. Students work with a partner and alternate running (or doing other locomotor movements) around the racetrack and going to the pit to perform a strength or flexibility exercise. A different exercise should be performed each time, so students assure variety in their workout.
The following are some examples of exercises that can be used for Pit exercises.
1. Arm Circles
2. Bend and Twist
3. Abdominal Challenges
4. Knee to Chest Curl
5. Push-Up Challenges
6. Trunk Twister
Intervals of 30 seconds of music with 10 seconds of silence can be used to signal role changes. The student who was running the track now goes to the pit to exercise and vice versa.
Assure that students run under control (not as fast as they can) and in the same direction.
Allow students to perform at a level they feel comfortable. Youngsters are genetically different and should not be expected to do the same amount of exercise repetitions.
Introduce and discuss Task Sheets 19 – 22
Task Sheet 19: Muscle Groups of the Body
Task Sheet 20: The Overload Principle and Specificity Principle
Task Sheet 21: Abdominal Crunch
Task Sheet 22: Leg Press
Discuss the major muscle groups and take time to help students learn them by name.
Discuss and demonstrate the Abdominal Crunch and the Leg Press. Have students work with their peers and complete the peer review points.
The “its” hold hands and can tag only with their outside hands. When they tag someone, that person must hook on. This continues and the tagging line becomes longer and longer. Regardless of the length of the line, only the hand on each end of the line is eligible to tag.
Select several “its” who partner up with another “it.”
Change “its” after each tag game.
After the tagging line reaches 8 players, break them into 4 sets of “its.”
What muscles were worked on in class today?
Explain one muscle used today and the movement/action it performs.
What was the most challenging part of class today?
Cheer: Pacer running keeps me fit!
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