I can work with a partner to play a game.
I can create part of a warm up routine for tennis.
I can demonstrate various flexibility activities specific to tennis.
Signs for sport-related fitness stations
One racquet and cut foam training ball for each student
Tumbling mats or net (volleyball, etc.)
Jump Ropes
Rubber marking spots
I can strike a bounced ball to a wall using a forehand grip using two of four cues.
I can strike a ball to a partner using a forehand grip demonstrating three of four cues.
I can use a forehand grip to rally with the wall.
One racquet and cut foam training ball for each student
Tumbling Mats or net (volleyball, etc.)
I can strike a tennis ball during a modified game demonstrating two of four cues.
One racquet and cut foam training ball for each student
Beanbags (Optional)
Tumbling Mats or net (volleyball, etc.)
Rubber marking spots (Optional)
Hoops (Optional)