The most credible, research-backed source for elementary and secondary PE lesson plans, now in a time-saving, adaptable format!
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View 28 Units and
Over 250 Lesson Plans
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Over 500 Activities

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Create Elementary PE Lessons in Seconds!
Recommended for Grades K-8
The most credible, research-backed source for PE lesson plans, now in a time-saving, adaptable format! We took the most popular, well-known PE curriculum in the world and made it incredibly easy to implement in seconds!
28 Secondary Units + Over 250 Lesson Plans!
Recommended for Grades 7-12
Popular Units Include:

Lessons from the Most Used PE Curriculum!
Built around SHAPE National Standards for Physical Education, this comprehensive curriculum is designed to teach students through activities they enjoy and want to learn.
Elementary Curriculum. The 19th edition of the Teacher’s Textbook is the most recent, cutting edge edition of the longest-running elementary methods textbook on the market. Dr. Robert Pangrazi explains how to implement a quality elementary PE program, improve instruction, and evaluate students.
Secondary Curriculum. The updated 9th edition textbook includes suggestions and activities for beginning and experienced teachers. Doctors Timothy Brusseau and Heather Erwin made updates that continue to provide teachers with the foundational knowledge they need to teach quality secondary physical education.