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Orienteering Block Plan


This unit has been specifically designed to meet all components of the SHAPE America National Standards for Physical Education.

Week #1

Week #1

Introductory Activity


Lesson Focus

Closing Activity


Combination Movements

Parachute Fitness Activity

Class Rules & Orienteering

Hula Hoop Circle Pass


Cone up, Cone down

Partner Racetrack Fitness

Compassing Introductory Activity

Stream Crossing


Run and Change Direction

Parachute Fitness Activity

Compassing and Bearings

Frisbee Keep Away


Follow the Leader

Partner Racetrack Fitness

Bearings and Landmarks

Faith Fall and Trust Dive


Hoops on the Ground

Partner Racetrack Fitness

Numbers and Numerals

Snowball Tag Relay

Week #2

Week #2

Introductory Activity


Lesson Focus

Closing Activity


Triangle Plus 1 Tag

Jackpot Fitness

Hiking the Mountains



Weave Drill

Walk, Jog, Sprint


Bowling Pin Relay



Jackpot Fitness

Orienteering Course

Stepping-Stone Relay


Toe to Toe

Walk, Jog, Sprint

Orienteering Challenge Course


Fastest Tag Ever

Jackpot Fitness

Point-to-Point Orienteering

Unit Objectives:

The student will:

  1. Move and set up or knock down cones as demonstrated by the instructor.
  2. Demonstrate balance and coordination in the Triangle Plus One Tag while following the safety rules as explained by the instructor.
  3. Demonstrate agility and coordination in the Weave Drill while following the safety rules as explained by the instructor.
  4. Participate in the Partner Racetrack Fitness to improve his/her personal fitness.
  5. Participate in parachute fitness as demonstrated by the instructor.
  6. Participate in the obstacle courses using a task sheet as explained by the instructor.
  7. Study the use and operation of a compass.
  8. Read class safety rules and obtain signature to demonstrate understanding as discussed by the instructor.
  9. Complete task sheets covering orienteering activities.
  10. Complete a mini-orienteering course as explained by the instructor.
  11. Participate in the Orienteering Course Challenge in squads demonstrating the rules and skills learned during the unit.
  12. Pass a knowledge test covering the elements of orienteering with a score of 70% or better.

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