Walking - 1 Week Unit

This unit has been specifically designed to meet all five components of the SHAPE America National Standards for Physical Education.

1-Week Unit

Introductory Activity


Lesson Focus

Closing Activity


Square Drill

Circuit Training

Introduction to Pedometers

Hula Hoop Pass


Jog and Lead

Challenge Course Circuit

Speed Walking Intervals

Hoops on the Ground


Quick Hands

Circuit Training

Poker Walk

Pig Ball


Move and Stretch

Challenge Course Circuit

Walking “Golf” Tournament

Fetch Relay


Vanishing Bean Bags

Circuit Training

“I Spy” Walking Challenge

Over and Under Relay

Unit Objectives:

The student will:

  1. Demonstrate agility, starting, stopping and stretching skills during the Move and Stretch Activity.
  2. Demonstrate quickness and teamwork during Jog and Lead and Vanishing Beanbags.
  3. Demonstrate reaction time and sportsmanship while participating in Quick Hands.
  4. Demonstrate agility and dodging skills during the introductory activities.
  5. Participate strengthening and stretching exercises, jump roping activities during the Fitness Challenge Course Circuit and Circuit Training to improve their overall fitness levels.
  6. Participate in Hula Hoop Pass, Hoops on the Ground, Fetch Relay and Over and Under Relays demonstrating cooperation and good sportsmanship.
  7. Follow all instructions in the use of the Pedometers as explained in class by the instructor.
  8. Participate in Speed Walking Intervals using full speed as directed.
  9. Continuously walk as instructed during the Poker Walk activity.
  10. Follow the rules of the Walking “Golf” Tournament during class and demonstrate courtesy to other class members.
  11. Complete the “I Spy” Walking Challenge card as directed by the instructor.
  12. Play Wand Whirl demonstrating focus and quickness.
  13. Play Hoops on the Ground following the instructions described by the instructor.
  14. Play Fetch Relay running as quickly as possible.
  15. Play Over and Under Relay while passing the ball quickly and demonstrating agility.

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