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Tennis Block Plan


This unit has been specifically designed to meet all five components of the SHAPE America National Standards for Physical Education.

Week #1

Week #1

Introductory Activity


Lesson Focus

Closing Activity


Lateral Shuffle

Partner Resistance Exercises

Grip, Stance Ready Position Volley

Back to Back


Square Drill

Continuity Exercises

Forehand Drive Stroke



Flash Drill

Partner Resistance Exercise

Short Court Volley Forehand Volley

Blob Tag


Weave Drill

Continuity Exercises

Forehand Stroke

Frisbee Toss


Individual Rope Jumping

Partner Resistance Exercises

Backhand Stroke Forehand Stroke

Circle Club Guard

Week #2

Week #2

Introductory Activity


Lesson Focus

Closing Activity


Red Light Bean Bag Catch

Partner Racetrack Fitness

Forehand Task Sheet Backhand Task Sheet

Pass and Squat


Knee High

Fitness Scavenger Hunt

Lob Shot

Fugitive Tag


Quick Draw McGraw

Partner Racetrack Fitness

Overhead Shot

Tennis Horse


Move, Stop, Pivot

Fitness Scavenger Hunt


Circle Pass



Partner Racetrack Fitness

Station Review: Serve, Lob Overhead, Ground Strokes

Alley Rally

Week #3

Week #3

Introductory Activity


Lesson Focus

Closing Activity


In the Hoop

Fitness Cookie Jar Exchange

Rules Rally and Play

Four Player Figure 8 Rally



Interval Training

Play Doubles Tennis



Fitness Cookie Jar Exchange

Written and Skills Exam



Interval Training

Round Robin Tennis Tournament



Fitness Cookie Jar Exchange

Round Robin Tennis Tournament

Unit Objectives:

The student will:

  1. Demonstrate agility while shuffling between cones set up on a court and by participating in the Weave Drill during the Introductory phase of class.
  2. Demonstrate movement control by changing movement patterns from skipping, to running, to galloping to side shuffles.
  3. Participate in static stretching activities demonstrated in class.
  4. Participate in the Flash Drill.
  5. Participate in grass drills and strengthening exercises including push-ups, curl-ups, reverse push-ups, etc. for cardiovascular fitness, agility, and strength development
  6. Participate in Continuity Exercises to develop cardiovascular fitness and upper body strength.
  7. Improve strength and fitness by participating in the Partner Resistance Exercises.
  8. Demonstrate agility and quick responses to instructions during the Quick Draw McGraw activity.
  9. Complete a Task Sheet on the Forehand Stroke while working with a partner.
  10. Demonstrate a forehand drive stroke with follow through with and without a ball.
  11. Demonstrate the volley across the net to a partner.
  12. Identify parts of the tennis racquet when asked to point at their location.
  13. Demonstrate the grip used for the volley and forehand stroke.
  14. Demonstrate the ready position.
  15. Perform backhand ground strokes using proper technique.
  16. Demonstrate the volley to a partner while in the service box.
  17. Demonstrate Forehand and Backhand Lob Shots and Forehand and Backhand Ground strokes.
  18. Demonstrate the overhead smash, lob, and ground strokes using form demonstrated by the instructor.
  19. Execute serving and ground strokes following the instructions on the Task Sheets using form demonstrated by the instructor.
  20. Practice accuracy while hitting the tennis ball into hoops on the court.
  21. Study the rules and etiquette of the game by reading the handout and listening to the lecture given by the instructor.
  22. Rally the ball on the court using the ground strokes, lob, overhead, and serve demonstrated in class by the instructor.
  23. Play Tennis Doubles using rules learned and skills demonstrated by the instructor during the unit
  24. Participate in the Round Robin Tournament playing Doubles Tennis using rules learned and skills demonstrated by the instructor during the unit.

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