Plyometrics - 1 Day Unit

This unit has been specifically designed to meet all five components of the SHAPE America National Standards for Physical Education.

One Day Unit Plan

Introductory Activity


Lesson Focus

Closing Activity

Day One

Loose Caboose

Plyometric Routine

Parachute Ball Flip

Plyometrics Lesson Plan


  • 1 jump rope per student
  • 1 small cone per person
  • 1 exercise ladder per 5 students
  • 1 medicine ball per 2 students
  • Large cones to define teaching perimeter
  • Music for rope jumping
  • Parachute
  • 10-12 foam rubber balls


The student will:

  1. Perform various cardiovascular, strength building and stretching activities as demonstrated in class.
  2. Demonstrate teamwork by communicating with classmates to move in same direction during the Loose Caboose and New Engineer activities.


Loose Caboose


4-5 students are designated as the “loose cabooses”.  They try to hook on to the end of a train. The trains are formed by placing 3 to 5 students in column formation with their hands placed on the shoulders of the person in front of them. The trains, by running, twisting, and turning, try to keep the cabooses from hooking on to the end of the train.  If the caboose hooks on, the student leading the train becomes the new caboose.


Using Whistle Mixer, create groups of 3 – 4.

Select several loose cabooses. Assign new cabooses every 20-30 seconds so the chasing cabooses don’t get overly fatigued.

If a train breaks apart, they must go to the sideline and wait for the next game to start.


Individual Rope Jumping
Side slides
Bunny jumps- jump forward, forward 45 degree, backward
High knees skips around teaching area
Carioca steps around perimeter of teaching area
Back pedal around perimeter of teaching area

Cone activities:
Forward jumps over the cones with a 25 foot sprint
Lateral jumps over the cones with a 25 foot sprint

Individual cone activities: Alternate 10 front to back; side to side jumps over cone with maximum push-ups

Agility Ladder Work

Medicine Ball Work


Prepare a music tape for 20 – 30 minutes of Plyometrics; change tunes to change activities
Be sure there is a safe amount of space per student.
Jump continuously for 3 – 5 minutes

Repeat for 30 seconds

Back and forth each direction
Direct direction changes with arm signals
Have many lines of 4 cones in a row set-up; 4 students per line
Sprint moves around teaching perimeter

1 cone per person spread out in teaching area
Perform forward, lateral, cross over steps quickly in ladder

Create pairs with Back-to-back

Parachute Ball Flip


Divide the class into two teams. One team takes one half of the parachute and holds it with both hands. The other half of the class gets the opposite half of the parachute. Place 8-12 playground or foam balls on the chute. On signal, players try to flip the balls over the heads (and off the chute) of the opposite team.


Players must maintain their grip on the parachute. No ball can be touched with the hands. However, the balls can be blocked with the body much like soccer.


Ask students, What were the most challenging activities?
Cheer: Plyometrics Makes Us Strong!

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