The student will:
Students are in ready position and performing a quick shuffle step in place. They shuffle left, right, forward, backward, over, and around obstacles on signal by the teacher’s hand motion.
Scattered formation in front of teacher.
Mark area with cones.
Use intervals of music and silence to signal duration of exercise. Music segments indicate aerobic activity while intervals of silence announce flexibility and strength development activities. Choose flexibility and strength development exercises from the following list:
Arm Circles; Jump or Hop back & forth, side to side.
Crab Alternate Leg Extensions; Skip; Twist; Slide; Lunge; Jumping Jack Variations; Flying Angel Sit-Ups.
Hop to Center and Back; Push-Ups; Gallop.
Arm Stretch – across body; Trot; Arm Stretch – overhead.
Power Jumper; Shoulder Rolls; Ankle Circle.
Head Circles in frontal plane; Stretch & Touch Toes.
Circle or scattered formation with space between students.
Student should be in constant movement except when stopped to do strength and flexibility activities.
Create music with 30 second intervals of music on followed by 30 seconds of silence. Students perform aerobic activity when the music is on and strength and flexibility exercises when the music is off.
Volleyball Overhand Serves
The overhand floater serve has no spin on the ball. The legs are staggered, with the left leg forward. The ball is held about shoulder height with the left hand under the ball and the right hand behind it. The ball is tossed 2 to 3 feet (60 to 90 cm) up above the right shoulder. The right arm is brought back, behind the ear, and then extended fully to hit the ball. The heel of the hand strikes the ball slightly below the midline. Little follow-through is used because the ball should float or wobble like a knuckle ball.
Review Forearm Bump Pass
Use Back-to-Back management technique.
Assign students to courts with partner to practice serving.
To improve success in the learning phase, use beachballs so students can learn to hit them with velocity.
Review Forearm Bump Pass drill in Lesson 2.
All students stand shoulder to shoulder on a sideline, facing the same direction, with feet touching the person next to them. The entire class must move to the other sideline without breaking the chain of touching feet. If the chain breaks, the group must take three steps back. Students may put their arms around each other if desired.
Some classes may require a progression starting with partners, then small groups, and finally the entire class.
A variation is to divide the class and have them compete against each other. This is a cooperative game so students have to accept managing themselves when their feet break contact.
Students huddle close together to answer review questions presented by instructor.
What is one of the most important skills to do well in volleyball?
Of the serves learned so far, which is the most powerful?
What are some of the key elements to bump passing a ball well and with accuracy?
Review some of the safety features to observe when participating in Tug-of-War activities.
Cheer: 2, 4, 6, 8, Teamwork is really great!
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