The student will:
All students are it. On signal, they try to tag each other. If they are tagged, they must freeze, but they are eligible to tag other students who pass near them. If two or more players tag each other simultaneously, they are both/all “frozen.”
Get all students quickly involved in the activity. Restart the game often rather than waiting for all students to be tagged.
Tape alternating segments of silence and music to signal duration of exercise. Music segments indicate moving around the hexagon while intervals of silence announce flexibility and strength development activities.
Outline a large hexagon with six cones. Place signs with locomotor movements on both sides of the cones. Locomotor movements to use are Jogging, skipping, galloping, hopping, jumping, sliding, leaping, and animal movements. Sport movements such as defensive sliding, running backwards, and running and shooting jump shots can also be used. The signs identify the hustle activity students are to perform as they approach a cone.
During the hustle, faster moving students should pass on the outside of the hexagon.
Change directions at times to keep students spaced out properly.
See the task sheet below. It contains the techniques to teach students. Go through the key points and demonstrate where necessary.
Move students into groups of three and have them designate which role they will assume first.
Place equipment and task sheets at designated areas.
Pass Ball is a more open game than Flag Football, but the rules are similar except for the following differences. Keep the teams relatively small so players have more opportunity to pass and catch.
Discuss skills worked on in the lesson: Passing, Catching, Centering, Stances, Blocks
What muscles were used in class today?
Was there any one Fitness Scavenger Hunt instruction that was really challenging?
Cheer: Flag Football is the Game to Play!!
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