The student will:
Teacher blows whistle
Twice=stop and pivot
Three times=Tap feet in place
Scatter formation
Set up five or six cones in a circle around the gym with two or three jump ropes at each cone. Students need to get a partner and start at one of the cones. One partner jumps rope at the cone, while the other partner jogs around the circle. Partners switch roles with the completion of each lap. Teachers can vary the student movement around the cones with the following: walk, jog, slide, do carioca steps, power skip, and perform butt kickers (heels hit the butt).
In the early stages of learning this routine, teachers can stop the action and lead the class in a strength or flexibility exercise.
When students understand how the routine is conducted, use music intervals to signal stopping the Jump and Jog and doing flexibility and strength exercises. The strength and flexibility exercises allow student to recover aerobically before getting back to jumping and jogging.
As students improve their rope-jumping skills, the teacher can vary the foot patterns with the following: two-foot basic step, jog step, side swings (left and right), jumping-jack step, ski jump step, scissors step, crossovers, and double jumps.
Easy Does it Grounders
Designate 10 positions on the field.
Designate base runners.
Begin with bases loaded.
Leader hits grounders using tennis balls to all positions on the field.
Repeat rotating positions often.
Create double plays
Use whistle mixer to separate groups and assign positions
Use Tennis balls. Tennis balls add fun to fielding grounders. The students may not be worried about getting hit by a tennis ball.
If helmets are available, please use them
In this game players rotate positions each time an out is made. The game is played using regulation softball rules. Three batters are up at bat. After each out, the players move up one position, and the player making the last out goes to right field. The pitcher moves up to catcher, the person on first base moves to pitcher, and all others move up one position. If a fly ball is caught, the batter and the person catching the ball exchange places.
How many outs are made in a double play?
Cheer: 3-2-1 Softball is fun!
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