The student will:
Students are in ready position. They shuffle left, right, backward, forward on signal, stutter step in place. Direct various locomotor movements (sliding, hopping, crossover step, etc.). Can use small cones or obstacles to step over.
Scatter position
Use hand signals to direct direction of movement
Students work together in teams or small groups. The teams stay together and hunt within the exercise area of the gym or field space.
Examples of entries that can be used on the exercise sheet:
The teams are given a laminated sheet or card that lists the area to find and the activities to perform at the designated area. The sheets could have 8 to 12 activities, depending on how long the fitness segment of the lesson is going to last.
Assign each team a different starting point to ensure that students are spread across all areas and that a backup of students does not occur at one of the fitness areas.
When teams complete their tasks, they continue walking around the area and cooling down.
Demonstrate the pick-ups after handing out the task sheets.
Direct students to run up to a stationary ball and try to scoop it up.
Put students in pairs. Each set of partners will have task sheet #2 and a clip board.
Key Points: Bend knees and back and scoop up ball. Keep butt end of stick away from midline of body. Scoop up ball with a shovel motion. Once ball is centered in basket, player breaks to the right or left to elude defender.
Make two even teams on each half of the rope.
Teams pull to see who wins.
Give safety rules before beginning the challenge.
Place marker at center point to determine when the pull is over.
Stop the tug-o-war after a specified time to give students a chance to recover.
Have students explain muscles used during the lesson.
Discuss fitness challenges to continue working on.
Ask students to describe scooping techniques for ground ball pick-ups and rolling ball pick-ups.
Cheer: Lacrosse challenges the mind and the body!
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