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Team Handball Block Plan


This unit has been specifically designed to meet all components of the SHAPE America National Standards for Physical Education.

Week #1

Week #1

Introductory Activity


Lesson Focus

Closing Activity


Hospital Tag

Jump and Jog

Passing Skills

Frisbee 21


Hoops on the Ground

Hexagon Hustle

Passing Skills and Goal Shooting

Over and Under Ball Relay


Carry and Fetch Relay

Jump and Jog

Goal Shooting and Dribbling

No bounce, No Step and No Contact


Beanbag Touch and Go

Hexagon Hustle

Task Sheet Skill Review

Three Bounces, Three Steps and No Contact


Hoops and Plyometrics

Jump and Jog

Three Bounces, Three Steps, and No Contact

Three Bounces, Three Steps, and No Contact

Week #2

Week #2

Introductory Activity


Lesson Focus

Closing Activity


Jumping Jack Tag

Parachute Fitness Activities

Rules of the Game

Sideline Team Handball


Mirror Drill in Place

Circuit Training

Sideline Team Handball


Running High Fives

Parachute Fitness Activities

Team Handball Tournament


Mass Stand-Up

Circuit Training

Team Handball Tournament


Wave Activity

Parachute Fitness Activities

Team Handball Tournament

Unit Objectives:

The student will:

  1. Participate in Mass Stand Up demonstrating knowledge of rules and good sportsmanship.
  2. Demonstrate agility in Hoops on the Ground.
  3. Demonstrate awareness and respect for classmates during the Running High Fives activity.
  4. Participate in Circuit training, Jump and Jog, Hexagon Hustle, and Parachute Fitness to improve overall fitness.
  5. Demonstrate dribbling skills using the team handball.
  6. Demonstrate the following passes: chest, bounce, overhead, one-handed shoulder/baseball, side arm, hand-off, roller, hook, jump, and the behind-the-back pass.
  7. Demonstrate goal shooting using the following passes: chest, bounce, overhead, one-handed shoulder/baseball, side arm, hand-off, roller, hook, jump, and the behind-the-back pass.
  8. Demonstrate goal shooting using the following techniques: Jump shot, dive shot, lob shot, penalty shot, and behind-the-back.
  9. Participate in the games demonstrating cooperation with classmates and good sportsmanship.
  10. Perform the No Bounce, No Steps, and No Contact game technique demonstrated by the instructor.
  11. Demonstrate passing, shooting skills when playing Sideline Team Handball.
  12. Demonstrate good sportsmanship in all games.
  13. Demonstrate knowledge of the rules of Team Handball while playing the game.
  14. Pass a skills test demonstrating skills taught during the unit and to the satisfaction of the instructor.

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